vivi's site!

welcome to my site!

venn diagram with my name; viv on the left, i in the middle, an on the right

this is my name. as you can see, i can go by vivi or ian

my pronouns are he/him. i live in new york and study information technology

special interests:

  • moxy fruvous
  • they might be giants
  • microcomputing (especially for calculators)
  • writing music (especially tracker-based)
  • typing in small caps
  • parentheses

special interests:


bandcamp   deviantart   email me   github   newgrounds   programming porfolio   click me!  

© Ian P. 2023. special thanks to gogh for providing the color scheme. one of the randomized songs is a cover i made of Sapphire Bullets of Pure Love by They Might Be Giants, credit to them is due.